Sun Seed Community Podcast
Sun Seed Community Podcast
S2E3 Solitary Witch, Or Nah?
Shana Nunnely and I are back at it again! We are spillin’ tea about the ideology behind solitary witchcraft, and delve into how vital it is for individuals to find community in order to be accountable, grow, and be loved. I swear this West African Mami Wata Voudun Priestess is my sis from another lifetime. Bless it!
Shana is blessin’ all the SSC fam with a 20% discount on a Virtual Exhale or Rest Ritual with promo code: SunSeed, now through December 19th.
IG: @connectwithshana
Cashapp: $bornfree247
MUSIC BY: Onika of Black Dream Escape
PRODUCED BY: Goddess and Vesta
FB/IG: @Sunseedcommunity
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Speaker 2:Blessings, fellow weird and wild ones. My name's goddess AKG, AKA your friendly neighborhood, which they them, their pronouns, please. And thank you. Point blank, period. Thank you for joining me in the practice of finding our way back to wholeness. This is our temple, our playgrounds, our life and our truths. During our audio session together, I will be talking with my village on how we are healing, changing paradigms and decolonizing and de gendering. The mind you are not alone, you are enough. Let's plant these divine seeds together. This work is for the collective from me, Brandon, Brenda Kay, and Vesta. And there's a lot of magic that goes on behind the scenes. Find ways to support and it really suppressed. Suffocate all the co-creators on the show at the links, Buller, grab your pens and paper, grab your woes and let go.
Speaker 1:[inaudible]
Speaker 3:18. Okay. Let's see. We already started. Okay. I want to tell that to the ad. Okay. Oh Lord saying that priest is in West African mommy. Watsonville dune. Yes. Yes. She lives in Atlanta and owns two businesses and wellness, honeycomb, natural hair and rest rituals. Meditation. Shana currently is hosting one-on-one virtual sound meditation rituals that provide clients with both rest and connection with spirit through channel messages during the sound Beth, welcome back, Shana, because this is your second episode with us. I'm so excited to have you back on. I'm going to put a link to that episode too, because that episode was dope. So yeah. Thank you again for being back on. So you already know. So, um, we go through our name pronouns and, um, ethnicity and body. So I'll go first. My name is goddess. I use they them, their pronouns and I am black body. How about you Shayna? My name is Dana. I go by her and, um, I'm all the way melanated. I probably have some little pinches, but I'm not about to go to ancestry.com y'all and give them none of my DNA. So we just don't have to figure that out later on that side. Okay. That's all good to me. Um, alright. So, uh, today, where in your body do you feel and live in and where do you feel? Dormant? Alive in my stomach and in my chest. I honestly don't feel dormant anywhere as I do my body scan my toes, tingle, my knees, my body. Yeah. I don't feel darn it anywhere. I'm fully alive and present with it. Yeah. Fully present too. That's what I was going to say fully present. Yes. I hope that continues on throughout the day and the week for you in my body, I felt really Enlive in like my temples and like my eyes today, something just feels a lot less heavy and clear. I'm been working on some dream work and a lot came through the other night. So I feel really enlivened. Um, yes. Um, and dormant. I don't know if I felt dormant. I feel like my body's still waking up. Um, so that that's not dormant. Just, just waking up to the day making this way. Okay. So this particular topic. So you had mentioned this in our last podcast and we had talked about it before of doing an episode about, um, being a solitary witch and what that means, but I'd love to hear from you, like what inspired you to, to have this conversation? Cause you were the one who actually kind of created the theme around this episode, um, in the spirit realm about being solitary, um, anything in a culture that's about setting for a wall and not including
Speaker 4:Other elements and especially the most powerful element. The assumption is you, you know, that you don't want to combine forces like who that sound like. You know what I mean? That's just not a thing that there's privacy. Um, there is, um, you're born, people say like you're born alone and you die alone. All these things, these kinds of concepts aren't even true, but it makes us feel great. It makes us feel independent. It makes us feel powerful. And the reality is you were not born alone. You were born of your mother and you normally don't die alone because anyone who's had an extra, what do you call it? Uh, they have a little thing for it, like an outer body experience or a near death experience. What they say is that there are spirits or lights or some type of energy on this other side that they were able to experience, um, that was them, but also larger than them that created a peace within them. Um, and so then the work that I do with the voodoo is these plethora, like, yeah, I don't have a clue, the amount of energies and forces and spirits just for you. So you're not alone. Right? And so what are you even calling on when you are a solitary witch and you're calling on these, these elements in order to be an Alchemist, you are asking for all of these forces to come together to maybe change, adjust, or whatever, enlightened, whatever it is that you're doing. Um, so I just want to be very, very careful for people of color when they are talking about doing things in solitude. A lot of times that has to do with distrust. We live in a culture that tells us to go inside our houses and shut our four doors to put a fence around our houses, um, to drive only our cars. They reward you. If you are in the HOV lane, well, you go a little faster, you put somebody in the car and we try to do this thing as a community, but they don't say, just get on the bus. Like if you really want to save the environment, why don't you just get on the bus or get on the train? You know what I mean? So I just always am very critical of things that are always done, um, alone, and to take it even further in diva nation, normally in the highest forms of divination, where a person looks into what it is that your soul has been called, he used to do traditional African traditions. You can't do that with one priest. Why? Because there's accountability. Yeah. So when you're talking about doing payroll for yourself, cool Terrell deals with your subconscious and just how you're thinking, you can change at a whim, but when you're talking about why you were born, there has to be several priests or priests there together to gather that information, to be able to give it to you and your parents. Cause a lot of times those are done. When you're a child, you can have it done. It. I've seen people have it done at 80 years old, right? Like they didn't have access maybe when they were five or at all, you know what I mean? The United States, especially, but I had seen people go and get their destiny readings at whatever age and I've never seen it done alone. And there are prayers that we do that we have to touch each other in order to activate that thing or that prayer, I have to hold someone's hand. Um, when we're doing rituals, there are people who are literally just there to hold your hand, you know? So I feel like what we get off on in this country a lot of times is, well, I came to us, nobody, you know? So I just have to do this alone or I'm doing magic and I'm really, really afraid of how I'm going to be judged. Um, I don't have any friends who I can really talk to about this or celebrate when it does come down the pipe. And so we can sit inside of our houses and Google on YouTube and learn the spill and then do the spell. Right. And it's great, but how much more powerful is it? If you join hands with at least one other person or your pit or, you know what I mean? Whatever is available that has a life force to magnify what it is that you're doing isolating, uh, yourself. Uh, it starts to be painful at first. It feels very liberating because you're doing the stuff you're doing. You know what you're doing, you're feeling super powerful about it. But when you have to constantly keep things in secret, it begins to erode you psychologically. Very, very, very, very concerned with that because I have not ever had to walk this road alone, fortunately. Right. And there's so many people who have come to me, they're like none of my friends understand, none of my family understands. I have so many people who their family completely rejected them once they knew that they were doing any kind of traditional herbal, anything. I mean, they, might've just been like I'm making tea and people are like, if it ain't lifting, no what you're doing by their favorably. And I understand it, you know what I mean? So I'm not saying that I'm coming from this place where I'm asking people to be forced to force their family into joining hands and doing, you know, any kind of ancestral ritual or any type of ancestral recognition. No, I'm not. All I'm saying is be very, very, very, very mindful of anything that turns you away from community. Be very, very, very mindful of things that don't bring your family together. Be very, very, very mindful of things that you have to do in secret that would erode your self confidence, your strength, or not give power to the things that you are doing. If you feel like you have to be a solitary witch, ask yourself, why is it a choice, right? Like, is it just something like, okay, I'm choosing this or is it because you really don't feel like nobody rock with you or that you don't trust nobody to do these types of magic things that they might do something bad to you. Like if you join forces with this person, your spell may not come out. You know what I mean? Because they stay in there for you, but they really not for you. You know? Um, what ways in which can you really strengthen your intuition? Where if there is somebody who comes around and says, they want to do a spell with you, how can you check in with their intentions above your ego? Right? So that's why you do what even nation, because it's above your ego, then you can do a peril. You can do a pendulum, you know, is Kesha good for me? Is Kesha down for these rituals is he should have magic up, you know, energetic, magic up to par with mine. Right? So those kind of things, um, I have so many people who call me and go, I think I want to do Reiki, but like that, like that's how deep the trust is. You know what I mean? With black people as it should be. You know what I mean? Like if somebody is in there messing with my energy, I don't know. Right. But they'll go to a doctor and the doctor's name will be John White and you walk in and John is white and you got cool. Look at my uterus. Yes. John White is cool looking at your uterus, but you worried about Kesha and you won't do a solid day. What are we talking about here? Like you don't even like right now, like my fears are like, yo, that's nuts because it's nuts. That is nuts. You go and you pay John White to look at your breasts, to look at your inner parts, to look at your toenail. But then you're like, Oh, I'm a solitaire. Which, because I don't trust nobody out here. You know? So
Speaker 3:Exactly. I love how you brought up about accountability because I don't think I would have, so I became a solitary witch because, because of the fact that the covenant I was was just so white, like I just, I couldn't pray. I didn't see myself in the practices. Like it taught me a lot about how to, um, respect, um, conjure and how to be ethical about it. And I don't think I would've learned that in the way of that. Um, um, without being a part of a coven and had like an elder to guide me, I don't think I would have had that without a crone, um, or some type of elder, but what, what, when you ask, like what, what caused you to become? So I was like, let me think about that. It was like, yeah, it was cause I was like, I'm not really feeling this. It was Alexandria in witchcraft. And I'm like, I'm not from this, this isn't my lineage. I just don't feel right. And so I became solitary because no one else was doing what I needed for my spiritual connection. And now as I come out of really like, European-based, um, witchcraft, I'm like, okay, now it's I need an Albert and I need you for accountability. And to like, have someone to talk to about like dreams and like these, these things that are coming up for me, like meeting new assets or some way, hold up a second, like we need community. And so I think it's, and I know as an introvert, I'm thinking, Oh, why can't I can't be around people all the time. And that's, I don't think that's what you're saying. Community can look so different than how, um, if we look at community outside of a Western framework, there are so many possibilities probably than the ones that we are immediately coming to mind. Like immediately come to mind.
Speaker 4:Yes. So ear to ear.
Speaker 3:Yes. Like you like it's um, Hmm. Like I'm thinking of like how, like how I view my urbalism and how I'm, um, what I practice at home and like the herbs I make. And then when a community member brings in their herbs and how the, like the, the magic and the intention behind, like what is brought in with their herbs and their knowledge, you know what I mean? And like, if I have a question, I can go ask an elder over here, or a friend over here. Like that's what community can look like. You can still be in your house. We've been up here cadre, you know, getting your thing
Speaker 4:The same time. You have all these beautiful resources outside of yourself, by yourself. You are not by yourself. You're not like, who are you conjuring with? Like, it's normally some ancestor, spirit guide w you know, whatever level of Ascension that, that energy is on. You know what I mean? And that's wonderful. And that's lovely. Um, but also understand that those same forces can bring you about a community that is just elevating the shit out of you. You know what I mean? And like all the things that your ancestors asked you to come to earth to do, like, I'm super big on that. I'm super big on what is it that I'm here to do and making sure that I get that done. Number one, I'm a Capricorn son. So that's just part of what it is. And then I'm a Libra moon, which means I'm all about like these community codependent, you know, relationships. So that's what I, what my main focus is, but I've been, Oh, how do you say that? Validated in those thoughts and actions by looking at how the ancestors worked, you know, how many times have I walked in somebody's dreams and don't work with them and didn't even know I did it. And so they called me the next day and say, girl, you looked at my dream telling me to do blah, blah, blah, blah. I'm like child. You know what I mean? I did it. You know what I mean? Like there's so many times because they elevate you to these levels that you don't, you don't have the mental capacity to even understand. Right. So when I think, and I don't know, it just keeps coming back to me that like being a solitary, which is about being outcast, believing those stories of being outcast, watching movies that says the, the witch, the crone, all those things live out in the forest by herself. Um, so many of us are introverts because we're impasse, which makes us feel very isolated. Because when we go into a space, we can feel so many things and we can see that the people are not necessarily wanting to be aware or heal those things. So it makes us go, always stay for, just to be in the house by myself. You know what I mean? If I'm going to feel all this shit, like I was talking about that with one of my closest friends yesterday, if I'm going to feel all that anxiety, let me just stay at home with my own anxiety. So there's just all these things that put us in this kind of, I just want to be alone, or I just want to do this magic alone or what has, um, and eventually, um, you need help. You know, eventually you need, you have to elevate out of that. Eventually you have to come from the stereotypes that are in the movies, because there's a reason that this lady is a crone. What society, I mean, not a Chrome, but, uh, isolated, which in the forest, why, why is anybody asking why she's out there? What society put her out there? What choices did she make to say it's safer to be in the forest by myself than to be amongst others. And why do we even know about her? We know about her because somebody had to go and visit her because they needed help healing. They needed help. And so she has to serve the greater community. So she's still not by herself. She's still not by herself. She's still out there working her or doing her thing and making sure that when the children and the mothers and the fathers are coming to get whatever that they have, you know, what it is, they need to get their healing, you know, but you have to question why that story is continually told why and what society is supporting that versus the society that we're seeing now on social media, where you see 15, 20, 30, 75 women at the water in white telling us we are, because that's our truth is that there are 15, 20, you know, a hundred women out there holding hands and giving, offering to the great mother spirits to the ancestral spirits and make sure that we're all loved. They were all protected. And that we all have wealth. Nobody's telling us story because who benefits from it? So it benefits a bigger, wider capitalist society to say, Oh yeah, you'll wish you better go out into the woods and be by yourself and be an introvert and not talk to nobody because you're pretty fucking scary. And you better be an, you know, an isolation. So I think that my ancestors are really upset with that. Because again, if you go on YouTube, which many of our listeners and community are, it really supports the solitary wish thing. You see one woman on there telling you how to maybe do ancestral money by yourself. And you keep coming back to her. And she's given Asheville astrological prediction by herself, in a room by herself. You don't see her on there with three or four other women discussing what today's lunar eclipse me, one person like the black community. I'm talking about YouTube. I'm talking about America, America, America, as a whole, like when I go online and I'm looking at different things to learn about, but, well, what's the, what's the what's going on in the cosmos today. I see one woman, you know what I mean, giving the information or one man giving the information. I see some people interviewing, you know what I mean? But I don't ever see three or four or five community groups of people talking about what's going on. I never seen it. I see what you're saying now. Yeah. So that's what I'm saying, if it, and so it keeps telling you that it's best for you to do this in, you know, one-on-one in isolation and it's that again, support you separating from it's. In my opinion, it feeds capitalism in that I now have to separate or compartmentalize my spirituality from my bigger life
Speaker 3:Come through. Yes. Yeah. I see what you're saying.
Speaker 4:Continue. Yeah. And it can't continue.
Speaker 3:And there's this idea around, like, I don't want to call it privacy, but like being, um, secretive, whether it's for protection or whether, I think like you were talking about before, there's also a checks and balance system that needs to, uh, to be there, to have, like, if you're off doing something that maybe you shouldn't be doing.
Speaker 4:Yeah. I've had a lot of mentees that will come to me and say, I'm really upset. It's dismissed. And they won't say upset, but they're like, this is what I'm dealing with. If I'm thinking about doing this fail, and then, you know, like you said, the accountability of the elder says, well, do you want that to come back on your karma? Do you really want to do that fail? And they're like, Oh. And I'm like, okay. So let's now think about how we can do that sales to be inclusive of healing. And then we focus on it like that.
Speaker 3:Yes, exactly.
Speaker 4:You know what I'm saying? And so the trust is there. Like you have to be accountable, you don't have to do these things in isolation. And also I'm here to support that healing that not only you're going through, but whatever that situation is to bring it to a wholeness,
Speaker 3:Right then that in itself is exactly like being vulnerable and saying like, this is what I'm doing. This is what I'm going through. This is the steps that I saw fit to take. Is this a good idea? Like that in itself is powerful because then you're holding yourself accountable and you're being very open about where you're coming from. And then that leads to more of the, um, when you do, when you do, you know, do your conjure, like you can bring that full self to the table because you don't want your magic come at you sideways. Like
Speaker 4:Yes, yes, yes. Um, and then coming from that place of love, everybody does their work for different reasons, right? I just happened to be a part of an aid Bay or a house. Uh, ag Bay is the, is a term that I, that I'm just basically calling church at this point. So ag Bay is actually in, um, with Africa is what you would call your voodoo house. And so inside your egg bays your house of all the people who do work with you, um, and all your ancestors joined forces with the spirits, et cetera, et cetera, all under one roof. And so your, my particular egg Bay works in the white light, always the white light, always the white light white light is love. White light is healing. So that's where I come from. That's what I was wanting to do. I don't got no judgment about what other folks do if they, part of the red egg Bay, if they part of the black, I don't know, chow. I know, but what I have definitely learned from the voodoo is that my mental space is limited. And that's normally where judgment comes from, like this kind of limited mental space where you just don't know everything that's going on. So you can't judge. Um, and so everybody does their work for whatever ways. And so I am just like, I just want folks, as they're entering into this understanding that it is very, very real and constantly questioning. What thought process are you under based on your society? Where does this, the society, where does the society hold your power? What have you bought into and why it's about being a solitary, which if you're asking yourself, why you're even a witch eat it? What does the word, which means if you look on my, on my, um, Instagram, you scroll way down to maybe a year and a half ago. I don't remember. I put on there. I'm not a widow, I'm a priest. What is the difference? What's the difference? You know? Um, why is there a difference? Is there even a difference? What do you consider yourself? Um, where does the word, which in this country in context means, you know, so once you examine all those things and really determining through your own meditations, in your own prayers, who, and what you are, because you have to know that you are under a spell of capitalism under a spell of whatever country that you're listening from at this point, you're under the spell of what your family has taught you. You know, so really being able to get down to numero UNO and asking yourself a lot of why's, and as you grow and evolve and you find freedom, you'll find yourself like breaking out of a lot of stuff that you, you know what I mean, since you initially were like, Oh, I am gung ho you know what I mean about being a fellow take, which in, maybe that's the best possible thing for you right now, because you're in the middle of Montana. And if you haven't ever been to Montana, anybody who's listening and you're not gonna say[inaudible] animals, you know what I used to animals and nature, and it's beautiful and it's right. But like, you might not get a lot of human photos to be able to touch and agree and hold hands and combine y'all with it. Right. It might be the very best possible thing for you at the moment. Um, but I would just want people to really, really, really be clear, you know what I'm saying on their, why? You know, what does that power of means, you know, to be a conjure person and to be a person of color. And is it best utilized alone? You know, is it in, are you defining yourself as a witch or you decide defining yourself as a priestess, are you defining yourself as a high priest? Are you defining yourself as a wizard? Are you defining yourself? Um, as, for example, some people have a gift in their gifts seems so natural that they don't even know that it's a gift, right? Like, um, how do I describe it? They're a giver. Like they, they see somebody and they're like, Oh, that person just needed a pencil. And they always have the right pencil. Like, it seems so insignificant to them, but they literally are able to conjure exactly what folks need and what you need at that particular moment. And it's so small, you know? So just really looking at what that, what all of that means for you. Um, and I understand, again, me and one of my close friends were talking about technology and how it's goal is it's beyond our thought process at this point. So right now saying that you're, which is very popular. Why? Because if you put it out there one time on Instagram, all Instagram is going to do is feed back to you all positive things about being a witch and being a solitary witch. And then you just keep getting said that same thing on Facebook, that same thing on social media, the same thing, every time you pick up your phone, you know what I mean? That energy just keeps coming back to you. So it's kind of like what you're manifesting, what you're calling in with the language you use to describe yourself and what you do as well. Yep. That is very true. Can we go back though? Cause we were talking about when you went from calling yourself, can you talk more about that journey? And like I've never called myself a witch I've never, ever no, that's okay. I've always been a priest. I didn't even know that a, which was a thing. Um, because I was so young when I started on this journey, I was 18. And before that, it just never occurred to me that something that was something to be, I want to see a doctor associate. That's what I was looking at. Yeah. I was like, I don't want to be a doctor or a CEO. Like that was my only trajectory for my life. Um, so having any of this going on in my life at this point is not something that I saw for myself, you know, 16, 17 years old. Um, so when I was first introduced to every concept of spirituality, it was from, um, other older black women. And I just remember feeling this tremendous sense of freedom when I met them. Um, and that look of like, man, I want to be like, y'all like, that's dope. Like, Oh, I don't have to act like I don't have a theory. Or like the things that I was asking about in church that didn't fit. I don't have to be like those ladies in the church who go to church. And then they go out for the rest of the week and they don't seem to have like all that much of a connection. Like they would pray and stuff, but they just didn't seem to have this empowered connection. It was always a suffering, please, please help me connection. And these women, they did not have that. Like I remember the first time a priest has told me, Oh, my mom was sick. And so this is what she said. I petitioned spirits. And for someone who could help heal her, and two days later an herbalist called me and said, somebody gave me your number saying that you needed help with something. And I'm looking at her like you petitioned. So wasn't nobody on their knees at the end of their bed. No, no tea, no shade, because I still pray on my knees at the end of the bed. Cause I feel like it's a big, humble thing to do. Um, and I'm in a very receptive place, numb, you know, praying in that position. But his lady wasn't doing that, this lady said I petitioned, meaning like I just called w you know, said what it is that I needed to say that back and waited for them to show up, to help heal my mama. And at this time this woman is 60 something years old. Right. So we're not talking about me being 20 and her being 35. Right. And I'm like, Oh, this is a cool lady. No, this is like, she been doing this. So these are my first introductions to African spirituality. And I was like, I want that, you know, it was my first time ever saying, I'm not a Christian, but I was like, I know, I know these, these women are not compartmentalizing. These ladies are not going to churches. And then coming out still begging, um, they're not confused on what God looks like. You know? Cause you know, a lot of us, his kids were like, Oh, so there's this white guy who lives in our heart with long hair. That if you pray to him, you might not be a sinner anymore. You know? So I'm coming from that kind of view to a person who was saying as a black woman with locks that she petitioned and shit showed up. I was like, yeah, bro, I'm not going back.
Speaker 3:That is so different. There's a lot more our, to that. And a lot more, what's the word where like, you're just, you know, it's through self. Like, you know, you're not doing it, but you're not listening to yourself in order to get it done. If you're like I put in this position, this,
Speaker 4:She told me in that moment, universal consciousness, you are universal consciousness. So in your universal consciousness show up and ask for what is needed so that you'll get it. Cause you don't want your mama to keep suffering. So just be the universal force that you are I'm down. Let's do it.
Speaker 3:Me. Uh, yes. That is exactly what it feels like. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I think especially as black people, um, we are constantly being fed that we are not empowered. Like we, we don't have any power. We need this like shrink ourselves, make ourselves smaller. Let me not quote that amazing woman we were were were told that we need to like, just be small and depend on someone else. AK is white savior or black, depending on how you want to argue with you as well. I don't.
Speaker 4:Yeah.
Speaker 3:So someone else is like, empowering, you gotta just put that power to someone else and let them handle it. And it's like, no, no, no, this is, this is something we have within us. We where we are the ones that bought that brought the spirit back into.
Speaker 4:So this is the magic that I'm just going to be a banner for voodoo woo is about freedom. Like everybody thinks the boodle is about all these kinds of power sources or manipulation. You know, like I'm going to manipulate the universe to make myself well, or I'm going to manipulate the universe to get more money or I'm going to manipulate the universe to do this, this and this, the way that I walk in the world. And then I'll wake up every single day, being a Buddha and priestess is this source of freedom. That is very rarely known in humanity. Listen to me very carefully to Manatee. Meaning my breath alone is my wealth. I ain't gotta manipulate shit. I know that when I am talking to a white man that I'm never going to be lesser. That's not a self esteem issue. I know that. I know that because I have my spirit. And when you have your spirit or your spirits and your ancestors, when you have that full sense of self, the freedom is beyond what Trump is going to do because Trump will have to come to your grandmothers to see what's going on. His destiny. It's beyond anything. So as I walk in the world, I don't have this sense of being cropped up. I have a sense of, Oh, I was born in America to do something. Cause my fears could have had me be born anywhere in the damn world. Okay. So I'm in America. So what y'all want me to do here while I'm born in America as a female with this particular Brown skin, what are the lessons I'm supposed to learn? What is it that I'm supposed to give? And when I laid my physical body to rest, then I've completed that mission because this is what they asked me to do. And that's just the freedom. That's the freedom of being connected to your true divine spirit. And that's what they're there for. That's what the spirit of the voodoo are about. It's not even about conjuring. It's not about herbs. It's not about spiritual bath. It's not about anything else. Besides aligning you with your highest self to do your mission so that you are free. You're free.
Speaker 3:That's all I got. I'm taking it. I'm taking it all you're saying, because it reminds me that every time I see something about, um, black spirituality, religion, faith based practices, conjure, I take a moment to separate, okay, what is whiteness coming through? And like are what, what has the white man told us to tell us what to believe about ourselves? You know what I mean? What do I feel is true? And they leave like, what is my instinct telling me? And my answer don't get me wrong. My instincts really is really true, but I'm doing some work around decolonizing myself. And anti-black you, you gotta use your own gauge, but I love the way you put that about Hoodoo. Because as soon as people hear it, I would say now in the circles are one with probably not as often, but you still get it. Like the other day I was at, uh, I was doing a table of it and this homeless, like, no I got, I got Jesus. I'm like, okay, that's cool. I got, I got my ancestors.
Speaker 5:Yeah.
Speaker 3:You said, I'm saying that's a whole, probably lineage that I don't even know. That's not for me in this particular lifetime. As far as Jesus, my belief at this current moment is great, but I'm never going to ever make that an issue. Right. And it's what you said. If it anchors you in your truth every time when something comes across your path, especially when it comes to conjure work, you need to ask yourself if the anchors you in your truth and what we're talking about with being in solitary, which is it's important to have community so that they can be the mayor too. Cause sometimes other people like, like they're there help us to recalibrate our compass every single time, every single day. Well, the first is from what I've been taught is character and through the character, you also get freedom. Um, but there's huge on again, going back to our original conversation and what we were talking about is like, you have good character, you know what I mean?
Speaker 4:Are you doing the right thing? Are you making sure that you are telling the truth in every aspect of what you're doing? And so when you are in solitude, you know what I mean? Which again, do meditation and different things by that. You can always come to your truth, but who helps you with that truth of it not being a colonized, you know how who's helping you because all of us are reading information and gathering information and all those different things. And so it's just so important for us to come to a place where we are understanding what we're communing with and are we commuting with truth? Are we communing with good character? Are we commuting with freedom? So let me ask you this. So do you think this, I don't want to generalize, but do you think some of the reasons why, um, there are so many black solitary practitioners and new into the realm of what it looks like to practice my conjure within the black diaspora, cause I'm black. You know that there's this idea around being super guarded. Do you think that's rooted in our trauma of it being deeply thin? Let's not even, let's not even answered it. I mean, all you have to do in two seconds is look at history and that answers the question too, that you were told you couldn't even attend church. You couldn't speak, you couldn't read, you lived your entire existence in fear in work mode. You didn't have any time to sit and think and be there's been not a lot of opportunity in our most recent three to four generations that we would have been able to do any of this in really a lot of part of the world beyond America in South America, in Canada, there has not been an opportunity for the world to be themselves. We were busy being conquered. And in defense, not even a question, the views of God all over the world doing this shit, not a question. So one of the things I find difficult with the distinguishing of like, what's, this was whiteness. Like where's the whiteness in this, um, is like imagining what spiritual practices can look like outside of whiteness, like what my ancestors were doing and how that like community looks like, what have been your ideas around that? Cause I read, like I read like Mala, Domo of water and spirit, and that book spoke to me so much, but there were other things about it that I'm like, although I don't agree with all of it. It was so rooted in community. And, and I wonder like, because he's also coming from a Western thought process and that was a large part of the book was like, do we really want this black person here? But you know what I mean? Like I'm trying to find remnants wherever I can, of what my spiritual practice can look like outside of whiteness. And it's hard. So two things, two things come to mind. Number one. Yes. I thought about this a lot in college. Like when I was in my twenties, um, because there was this, there was a huge leap in my twenties for folks to just go right into spirituality because it was like, these are the ways that these have not been, it hasn't been painted. And so these are places that we can go to look towards, you know, something that hasn't been painted by white men. And then of course, as I grow, I'm like, how is that even possible? Because unless you just get a direct download, you know what I mean? You can't really know, but I can't read this book on, like you said, anybody who hasn't been painted by their own history, like it has to be a direct channel. You know what I mean? If they're going to write a book, it has to be a direct channel. It can't be something that they read in. The highly glyphs I hired with again, was translated by a person, whatever that kind of just goes back to like, just not trusting, man. Like I just need this come straight from spirits. Um, which is another reason diva nation is so freaking awesome. Um, so yes, that, it's very, very difficult to do that. And number two, I would say don't try, right? I would say, Hey, don't try, come from a place where the whiteness is not the center. First of all, like if you can just really start to train your mind to come away from a white sensor then because then you become obsessed with this white. I mean overnight,
Speaker 6:You me the same church, get out of here,
Speaker 4:Just stop and just make yourself dissenter, like make your ancestors and center make you listen to everything that you freaking do and things just sit naturally. You know what I mean? Eat something. Talk about something where they're not the sensor and your whole brain is going to be blown away. You're wellbeing. It just, it just puts your pin pendulum right, where it needs to be in our house. Most of the things that we do are invented by people of color, right? You know what I'm saying? But we get caught up in that. We have to pay the light deal to a white organization, you know? And if you just take a minute and be centralized that for a second, you realize you've given her. I'm like, I'm turning on the light and I'm giving homage to another brother. Like if I need to invent something like Debra, they'll come through in my, in my spiritual practice and that ancestor, you write his name down and he'll come through and give you all the shit that you think Tesla is, move, move your pins going, boom, you guys have it, the easiest, easiest. You know what I mean? All you got to do is go on Facebook. All you gotta do is go on Instagram. All you gotta do is like, you know, Google have always found my communities. Um, I start with one and it just kind of spreads out. So like when I moved to Atlanta, you know what I mean? It's like, okay, I really love meditation. And I would just type in, in Google maps child. But I had to print the shit out, you know, meditation in Atlanta and I would find a meditation center and then I would sit there and I would be patient. And then I would meet somebody new at my kid's school. And they would do like, I think I like meditation too. And then I will bring her, you know what I mean? Like it's just really, so that's what I'm saying. It's so much easier now really? Like if you go online and you start to see somebody that makes sense, then you can either reach out to them. Um, you can just sit in quietly and see if they're actually having things physically, you know, you don't have to automatically join nothing. You know what I mean? That's just cause you attend or you're watching doesn't mean that you have to be all of a sudden committed to anything you have to feel. What's right. Watch what they're doing. See if it aligns with what it is that you're doing, you know what I mean? Um, and you don't have to start big, you know, you can start with casual conversation. Um, you don't have to do a whole Iowasca journey. You know what I mean, with a group of black women who are in art, like you don't have to do that. You know, just one small thing at a time to build your own trust in those communities. Be very, very, very watchful when you're first joining these Facebook groups or these Instagrams or whatever, be very watchful about what it is they're saying, who is saying it and why, you know, if it's a million people online putting this bell on Instagram, you probably don't want them. You know what I mean? If they're having conversations, that's the one thing. But if they're straight up showing all their workings, that don't really make a lot of sense. You know what I'm saying? That does not. If somebody put in, if someone's instructing someone on how to make a honey jar, that's the one thing, you know what I mean? That person maybe is the teacher or the mentor or whatever the case may be. But if everybody is constantly on their showing their candle, working in like, look, I'll get the candle working in. I, you know, my boyfriend broke up with his ex girlfriend and now we're back together. Like, does that feel great? That's what I mean by watching slowly, see how you feel about the groups that are doing whatever they're doing. And if you love breaking people up, then that's the group you want to be in. You know what I mean? If you're the one who's like, no, I really love authentic love and like bringing families together, then watch the people who are doing that. And bit by bit, you'll find the people that gravitate towards you and who speak your language deep, um, really, really deeply. And then when you meet the people in person or on a zoom conference or whatever, watch their behavior, watch how they move, watch their pastures. You know what I'm saying? Like when you and I get on the phone, all of we're giggling and I already know what that is. It's our spirits being so happy that we saw each other, that we met each other, that we got to come together. Like we can't even stop laughing for the first five to 10 minutes. We on a dang call. Right. So just be very patient and protective and watching what feels like joy to you and walk home. Cause that's what family feels like. And they're going to eventually, you know how family is child, I got the ups and the downs, you know what I'm saying? So don't judge just because there's a down moment or somebody calling you on your card, you know what I mean? Or whatever, that's the truth of balance, you know? So it's not going to be all like pickles and popsicles, you know, but what, what feels good dead? I'm
Speaker 3:Glad you brought that up. Cause that's key. Like, like, yes, it's easy to find community like, or it's easy to find folks on the interwebs now. Cause you know, uh, this is becoming more popular, especially like with all this going on, Beyonce, all of that. But um, it like really being, um, like being secure in yourself and trusting your instinct is so key because you have to have enough trust in yourself to, to know how to discern things and what, what works for you and with you. Um, and so that you're not always in like guard mode, you know what I mean? And like putting up these walls so you can't see the blessings when they come. Like you have to be able to be open enough to see things that don't mean you take it on that don't mean you take it in, you just have to be open enough.
Speaker 4:Right.
Speaker 3:That's where we're coming out with. The solitary wish thing is like being so blocked that anything out and you're not letting anything in.
Speaker 4:Yep. Definitely. Definitely. Absolutely.
Speaker 3:Oh goodness. Okay. So can you tell me, um, tell us actually a little bit more about, um, Mami Wata? Cause I think that that like mommy Watson means a lot to me, but I don't know if everyone else's familiar. So can you tell me more about mommy WASA? Um, and her story? Cause we were talking about this earlier.
Speaker 4:So mommy wants to, is a, is so most people who will probably listening to this are familiar with, um, West African EFI RFI, which is what everybody hears about when they say the Orisha. Um, and so sometimes, uh, people are like, well, what's the difference between the Resha and the voodoo? It's not a lot. I'm not going to say it's like this wide huge variation. It's just a different tradition. Um, and so mommy wants to is a whole plethora of spirits. So you say mommy Watson didn't think about there being a thousand spirits underneath that umbrella and you kind of have some star players or what have you, but they're this, this whole Pantheon. And then the Orisha had their own Pantheon of spirits as well. And so the things that you see with Beyonce are a part of the Aleisha and their, um, you know, lineage of fear and mommy wants the it's just a tad bit different than that. And mommy Watson, the ancestors come first, none of the other spirits did you have to walk through the ancestors before you can get those others. So that's why family is important healing. Your family is important. Um, having your own solitary base is very, very important with mommy Lhasa. And so the things that we see in the media, um, around mommy Watson are a woman with huge hair that has usually has like a snake around her neck, or she's a mermaid because mommy water is water and it's pigeon, but it's it's from what we understand, mommy WASA was not derived from the English version of white people saying that there's that mommy is a mother and Watson is WASA. From what we understand, this is this mommy WASA was its own spirit. And we told them like, this is what she's called, right? So it's not Trump's pigeon translated situation. It's way we're doing is from West Africa beneath Tobo that whole kind of coast. And it's believed that those traditions came from Africa, not just West Africa, but as Africans moved throughout the diaspora, they moved to West Africa from Subsaharan Africa, from Egypt, et cetera, et cetera. And that these, uh, priest and priestess who are aligned with mama WASA, it only comes through your blood. It's not something that you can choose. So be very, very clear on what I'm saying. Anybody who's listening, you are not a mommy WASA because you want to be your mommy wants it because it runs through your bloodline. If something runs through your bloodline, that means generation after generation, after generation, after generation, all the way back to Egypt, all the way back to Lucy. You know what I'm saying? These that is what is part of your birth and your birthright. Um, and so a lot of times you're called to be mommy, lots of, because it's already in your blood, it's already what you are past here to do as a priest. There are people who can recognize and have also to mommy watch because that spirit will benefit them in their life. Is that, is that clear?
Speaker 3:Yes. Um, there's like a, there's a difference. Sorry. I had myself on mute and it takes a second for it to come off. Um, there's a difference between what is it called? Like a vendor narrator and like someone who practices. Yeah.
Speaker 4:Yeah. So I've been a writer. You're there, you practice that spirit loves you once they help you to create whatever it is. That's a part of your destiny. We can help you. Right? And then there are those who are priestess of mommy. Watson who's normally do the work. You know what I'm saying? Mommy walked in messages apart of what's going on in their bloodline. The spirit helps them. It usually helps the bigger community, et cetera, et cetera. Um, and so that's the difference. And so the representation have always been, you know, mermaids and these kind of mythical creatures. A lot of things happen around the water, all that kind of thing. And water is your forced source of life, which again can be associated with the mother, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So it just keeps going on down the road. So mermaid to always be in a part of African mythology. It's not a white concept concept because the water exists in mermaids exists images.
Speaker 5:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 4:It just so happens. I have a birth sister named Ariel, which I think is
Speaker 5:Okay,
Speaker 4:So yeah, like that's mommy Watson is[inaudible], you know, it's a spirit of blue dune. Like I told you, we don't just mean spirit. Um, in that tradition is if you go anywhere and you say spirit, it's the same thing. It's fearful because that's what white folks have used to put you in fear of that particular word. Y'all, it's just the word spirit. Anytime you walk around and you say spirits, you don't get spills out. So there's no reason for you to be sucked out by blue. It's just a translation. I don't know what the German word for spirit is. It's spirits. These Mo I don't know, that's probably Spanish, but that's the same thing as going to Beneen and saying, boom, you know what I mean? It's just the word, um, that now has become this huge thing for folks to be afraid of. So one of the greatest things with Vodoun is that it works with your destiny. It works with your ancestral spirits and they're no pump. They are direct, they are clear and they do not care about you feeling good, feeling good is is, is, you know, kind of just a human thing, right? Like, Oh, I just want to feel good about blah, blah, blah. So when you go get a mommy, a reading is no guarantee that you're going to come out feeling like, Oh, bells and whistles. No, because your ancestors are there to put you on a mission. And so it can be super bright because they're like, you're already on your mission. You're in alignment. We just need you to do this, this and this. You know what I mean? But they're not these psychic readings that you go in and somebody tells, you know, when you feel, Oh, somebody saw me and it feels so good and blah, blah, blah, which normally people get in terrible car readings and stuff like that. Like, it's just all these fields, that feelings, because they finally feel seen, they don't feel alone. They feel like, Oh, now I know spirits watching the boudin, take that for granted. Right? Because they're like, of course we were watching you. Of course, we're here. We stand with every single day, we make sure that you're breathing. Like, what are you talking about? So they're not in, in, in any kind of vein of making you feel good during a reading. Normally you go to get a mommy, watch the reading. And all they're concerned about is if you're on your road, if your family is safe, if you are safe, if you are going to make it to the finish line of your life. And that is all of your road is you're off your destiny. If you have blocks, if something has come on your road that is taking you off your destiny, then we need to make sure we're doing the work to get you back with your star player. And that you're walking the walk that you're supposed to walk and that you are free. That's it. And I, in my opinion, the Orisha are the same way. They're there to give you tools. They're there tell you the truth. They're there to empower you in whatever way they empower your gifts so that you can walk your walk. You know what I mean? I happen to be born a mommy Watsa if I was not born in mommy what's I don't know what tradition I'll be born too, but that's also what makes me so open and not judgmental about the whole Christian thing that we talked about. Right? Because I'm like, I don't know. She might've been born to walk the Christian path because she's going to read, you know what I mean? Like that truth aligns with her star destiny for her, you know what I mean? So that's, that's what it's like, you know what I mean? That's what it is. Um, and it's, everything is all inclusive. You know, as I've grown older, there is no beginning and there is no end to the voodoo because spirit does not energy may change, but it just never dissipates. And I'm always in awe, I'm always in awe. You know what I mean? And how it shows up, you know what I mean? In real life, in something that I would have wore was bad. You know what I mean? Like, Oh, that's bad. That's bad. And then fear, they'll say, no, that's their lesson because that's their destiny. And they have to learn that lesson to get to their highest destiny. Oh shit, let me shut up and just make it need.
Speaker 5:Yes.
Speaker 4:You know, I'm like, wow. She had two miscarriages. Like why would this person, you know, go through that? That's so bad. I'm like, no, no, no, no, no you don't. Yeah. Yeah. And so when, like, if you came to me and you had some type of issue like that, we will first go to spirit. I wouldn't just automatically give you herbs. I would go and say, what is going on? You know, it's, we're in pain. We don't know why she's keeps losing her job. What's going on. You know, then the spirit says, okay, this is what's going on, blah, blah, blah, blah. Now, and then we reset you, you know what I'm saying? On, on your destiny? Or we say, yeah, you supposed to do those shots because you got this, this and this coming or you don't never listen, you keep losing your job because you don't never listen. You know, I'm saying, so you keep doing the same thing over and over again. If you start to listen, then you're good. You know? So it's why you just can't, you just kind of got gotta come to the table and you got to go through the much higher, higher stores. Also the reason that, because that's such a powerful tool, you know, because the diva nation is such a powerful tool. That's also the reason why we don't do reading alone. Because what if the reader just like, Oh yeah, I know what the person's destiny is. And I just manipulate it. There's not another police there to keep you accountable.
Speaker 3:Hmm.
Speaker 4:Yeah. I'm saying you just add your Willy nilly, doing whatever you see what I'm saying and you have the power. Yeah. Mommy wants to is, it's just so many things that you cannot do alone. You cannot do alone. And when you go to spirit, they'll say, well, we can't do that because you did that alone, but we don't even know they, nobody would,
Speaker 3:I don't know what you were doing there
Speaker 4:Really.
Speaker 3:Wow. Okay. So, so tell, tell us more about your work. Um, what are you currently offering? You were talking about some, um, one on one sessions in your bio. What are, what, what are you currently working on and do?
Speaker 4:So I still doing the salon, which is my natural hair salon, but I also do these one-on-one sound. He was that I didn't even know were going to happen in the way that they happen. I just really enjoy doing sound healing because it's so nourishing for me. And I do recognize, um, based on how it happened with me, that this was a bridge for me to connect people with spirit because of all of the rat race, because of all of the things that happened in our lives. Um, we tend to be disconnected and again, compartmentalize. And so just in rest alone, um, the reason I've worked with so many people on just rest in, in bigger forums is because I really understand how much just being able to consciously and intentionally wrists really reconnect you with spirit, really puts food on your heart and your soul for you to be able to do your life's work. So I was like, yo, I really want to do this. If I can just help people take naps. Intentional net is so different than exhaustion at the end of the night, and then trying your best to get six hours of sleep. It's a different experience. It was like, this is so great. So I started doing it and it just became these amazing shamonic experiences. So from the person that mentored me to me doing it myself, I was like, Oh wow, people see colors. Oh. And then I can interpret the color that they see. They will start to see their ancestors. They will start to see spirit guides. And then I was like, Oh my God, this is like a whole shamonic experience, but there's not a lot of conversation or talk or expectation of like leadership in terms of, um, uh, how do I describe it? I guess what I would say, like a lot of moving parts, you know, you just kind of come down and you come, you lay down, you see your colors afterwards. I can kind of teach you even what your colors are. So you can just ask me one time and I can tell you what they are. And from that point on, you could have hidden more, uh, found best in, see colors and be able to interpret it for yourself. Like, I'm really huge on people doing the work themselves. So they don't put so much emphasis on the priestess or the guide or the shaman. So I was like, this is super cool because this is the way that people can empower themselves to understand what's going on with them and connect with spirits. They get this like, yes. Oh my God. I love it. So when I started to do them one on one, which I had not done them one-on-one before coded, you know, like the things that I would do, I would go to people's houses and do them for groups. But nobody had ever really hired me just to say, let me do it one on one, everyone else. I did one on one for you back to my son, you know, like people that I'll be trying to practice on. And these downloads started coming from spirit with them and for me. And so we, for me, meaning like fear would tell me what to say to them. And I didn't know that was going to happen, but I didn't set out six months ago to say, Oh, I'm going to give spiritual readings during, I didn't know. That was not a thing. And from the very first one, that's just what started happening. And I was like, Oh, this is why or anybody, even that comes to me today, I'll still do like, y'all just crazy. Like, I didn't, I didn't, I don't know what they're going to say. You know what I mean? And then when they say it, like I've seen inside people's houses and be like, Oh, you got a bookshelf over here. And fear the saying that we were, they really loved that book. Like, I didn't know that was going to happen. So I'm blown away by these experiences. And I honestly don't even know how to describe them on social media. You know what I mean? Like I can try, but it just kind of, um, if I'm speechless within it myself, I don't know how to put that in content form. I don't know how to be a business woman in terms of Instagram and showing people, Hey, this is, I don't know how to advertise this thing. That feels like a miracle for both of us at that moment. You know what I mean? And so I, um, I have a hard time kind of like communicating what it is. So right now I'm still in the mode of, of communicating what a sound bath is. Cause that's what I've been trained to get content on is, you know, a sound bath is intentional risk. Um, it's a way for you to reconnect with your spirit, it's time for you to, um, have time for yourself. Um, all those kinds of things. I don't really know how to explain that other side of what happened.
Speaker 3:Uh, um, and, and before you were doing these one on ones, you did like check-ins for your, um, for your, for your other work, like when you would do the sound bass, like, like in person you would do like check ins and stuff. Right. Um, when you would check in to see how the person was doing, like after the whatever session they did with Jane. Yeah. That was always a thing. And that's, I really love that about you. Like, what you do is like, it's not just like, boom, boom, you're done. And then they go off like,
Speaker 4:Yeah, no, right now I have to email them back and let them know like what happened during their, their sound bath. I mean, where I got to go through and I just sit there and like answer all the emails and get on a call with them or whatever. And just, that's probably what I feel like is one of the most important things with the sound bath, you know what I mean? I love that part of being able to do like, Oh, you're having the sound bad. This is what happened to you. You didn't make anything up. Cool. Now let's go into what that means for you. You know what I'm saying? And somebody says, Oh, my soldiers switched. Okay. Your shoulders switched. I'm not, I've been trained on shoulder. Twitching has to do with your heart chakra. Your heart chakra has something to do with you, either opening or closing to love, blah, blah, blah. You see what I'm saying? That part is just things that I studied throughout my entire life, that not entire life stop line, since I was about 1718 that I studied and I was just studying them for myself, super excited. And then when I get trained in sound bad, it's like, all that stuff came together for me to be like, Oh, now I can relay this information to other people. You know what I mean about what goes on. So again, that's why I didn't know that I was going to get these downloads because I thought like, if it's a miracle that I'm able to do all this study for 15 years, you know what I mean about all this stuff. And now I get to even talk to people about what is going on in their hearts, because they had a switching during the sound bath. This is cool as hell. So then to take it that step further and just get complete telepathic communication. Like I was like, yo, this is dope.
Speaker 3:Yeah. That's like next level, like, Oh my God. So that being said, Shana is blessing of the sensee community, um, with a wonderful offer. Um, so if you, um, use the promo code sun seed, um, you will get 20% off a virtual exhale or rest ritual with miss Shayna. Um, so make sure you reach out to Shayna. How, how can we reach out to you? How do we contact you? How do we learn about your services? Tell us them
Speaker 4:I'm online. I'm Shana. Nunley, that's a long name, but hopefully you can look at it in title. So a lot of hands it's a lot of ales, y'all sorry. Um, st. And then lead.com and then on Instagram, um, connect with Shayna. And I think those are my only two, um, Facebook, um, my first and last name and my profile is open. And then my business page is called born free spirit. And that there was no way for me. I can't figure out Facebook to change it, to connect with Shane. So right now it's more free spirit. All those places you can email me, you can schedule yourself online. Um, because I was going to hear business I'm big on online scheduling and, you know, empowering folks to like, just get on the schedule when it's best for them. So if you reach out, I'm most likely going to send you a link and with a, if you've mentioned the podcast and I'll also send you what the promo code is, so that you can schedule yourself at the time, that's most convenient for you. Um, the difference between there is a difference between what I'm offering. So exhale is just a place for you to exhale. It's just a place for you to get your sound bath. And then again, if you want questions answered, that's cool, but there's no spiritual reading involved in that. It's just, you know, again, if you had a switching or colors or something like that, we can talk about that, but there's no downloads or anything like that. But then if you do rest rituals and that's the full gamut of everything,
Speaker 3:Okay, I'm going to have to sign for one of those breast rituals. I'm excited. I'm so excited. So I'm so make sure you reach out to Shayna, promo-code send seed, and then that offer ends December 19th. So make sure y'all get on that. If you miss it, you can still get on and connect with her, you know, support black businesses, support black women. Um,
Speaker 4:Oh, let me mention this too. If you have an organization that is a frontline worker, if there, there are so many people who are activists right now, all those types of folks, if cost is an issue, please reach out. I do group stuff. So if you're a part of a group and you want everybody to experience this, whether it's two of y'all or this 20 of y'all, let me know. I'm there. Like, just
Speaker 3:Let me know, shut up. So my, you just now telling me this, let me just sign up everyone. Now, we all come. I am so grateful that you have once again, blessed us with your trues, with your personality, with your time. Thank you so much, Shana for being in. Let me say to you that all of us. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you for allowing us to speak so freely and for all those everybody who's listening. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for just showing up to build this platform and to do what you're doing. This is brave. It's really, really, really, really brave. And we're really, we are really proud. Just take it in and just say, thank you. Thank you. Um, so for this BiPAP celebration, give away, uh, make sure you post on IgE and or Facebook, a picture of something. Um, you feel safe sharing about your magical practice, um, and your favorite quote from this episode, I know I have written down a couple of quotes from Shayna. Where's the wisdom and make sure you tag connect with Shayna and the SSE, um, handle as well community. And then your handle will be putting in a drawing for a free 60 minutes herring with me. I'm going to have to rethink my tear readings. So I'm gonna have to get ahold of squat, squat. I love that would be amazing. So make sure y'all are doing that. Make sure you reach out to Shana and get to know her work. She is so dope. So dope. This has been amazing Shane and thank you. You're welcome.
Speaker 2:That's it. Yo, that's a show big thank you to black dream escape for providing us with the intro and outro music for season two. We sincerely love your work and hope breasts comes to us all and big thank you to Vesta for producing our small but mighty podcast. This show is powered by the people made the abundance. Come back to you and spread like wildfire seeds. Community is a space to practice collective healing. We do this through workshops, body, and energy work, taro individual container building, and this podcast to learn more book us and support us, visit[inaudible] community.com and follow us on the IgG or Facebook at EAD community bio.
Speaker 1:Yes. Well, come, come, come.[inaudible].