Sun Seed Community Podcast
Sun Seed Community Podcast
Queering Spirituality Summit
WELCOME WEIRD AND WILD ONES! QUEERING SPIRITUALITY SUMMIT IS A COLLECTIVE COLLABORATIVE CELEBRATION OF OUR COLLECTIVE DIVINE QUEERNESS. Queer folks that are organizing in religious, spiritual, and mindfulness spaces will be centered and offering words, practices, and wisdom. We will also explore the coalescence of queerness and divinity while feeling into the fullness of our queer bodies. The process of stepping into our truth is a radical act of love and resistance to whiteness, patriarchy and heteronormative culture. It is not easy AND it is vital. We see you, we celebrate you and we invite you into this rainbow temple of an online event.
Sun Seed Community is currently looking to co-create and contract with artists, disruptors, advocates and others in the BIPOC/QTBIPOC community, and also seeking comrade investors and sponsors. There are always ways to support and dream with us.
The Wild Ride Collective is
dependent on collaboration to co-create spaces for TRUTH and are always open to making new connections with other collectives, orgs, or individual healers & activists who believe in disrupting the current paradigm and building something collectively!
VIEW THE VIDEO VERSION OF THIS SUMMIT HERE: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtxxll6DzrA&t=96s